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How Can You Check Your Body Fat?

How Can You Check Your Body Fat?

Wellness Terminal |

BMI and weighing scales can't tell you if you're lean, overweight, or somewhere in the middle; they're simply numbers. It can't tell you how much visceral fat you have, either. Information about visceral fat can be measured using InBody which utilizes advanced BIA equipment that captures direct segmental measurements.

While certain at-home body composition scales can calculate your body fat percentage, more scientific methods can provide more precise subcutaneous fat measurements. InBody, the leading body composition analysis device is a useful tool for guiding you on your path to better overall health. 

The estimated amount of fat surrounding internal organs in the abdomen is used to calculate Visceral Fat Area. Maintaining a Visceral Fat Area of less than 100 cm2 is recommended for optimal health. Unfortunately, excess visceral fat is becoming more widespread as a result of the trend toward sedentary lifestyles.

InBody body composition analyzers provide precise and complete information about your body.  A thorough understanding of what your body is built of will assist you in adopting a healthy lifestyle. InBody tests assess your body fat percentage, which includes visceral fat, by measuring the resistance of an electric current as it flows through your body. 

It will take time to maintain a healthy body weight and change your body composition to have less overall subcutaneous fat. Checking in with yourself and using positive self-affirmations are two effective techniques to combat negative self-talk and increase your weight loss success rate.

The majority of the time, trying to lose weight in particular body parts with specialized activities won't work. The ideal way to reach your objective of losing subcutaneous fat around your hips or thighs, for instance, is to develop a whole-body wellness program that includes consistent exercise and a nutritious diet.

While having fat in some locations may worry us, having a large waistline is the leading source of health problems, which are related to the various kinds and amounts of fat deposits that exist in our bodies. Subcutaneous and visceral fat are the two primary types of fat deposits in our bodies.

What should you do if you have a more visceral fat mass?

It's the same as shedding body fat from any other part of your body. The key distinction is that visceral fat loss can have a greater positive impact on metabolic and inflammatory health markers than subcutaneous fat loss, as demonstrated by the fact that liposuction, which only removes subcutaneous fat, has no impact on these health indicators.

The easiest strategy to lose any form of body fat is to lead an active lifestyle and eat a healthy, balanced diet. High-intensity exercise is particularly advantageous for fat loss, and visceral fat in particular, according to certain research.